
Code 291 – Demos & Covers – Compact Disc


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Code 291 – Demos & Covers – Compact Disc

Released by: Midgård Records
Genre: RAC
Country: Sweden

In the beginning it was thought to be a mini cd to support some Corona restless musicians, but the songs got so good, and some alternative versions of some Code songs were found, and it was a full cd 🙂

If you previously have been disappointed with albums including the word Demos, we can guarantee you it won´t be the case this time – the class of the demo tracks are album high. Combined with a bunch of killer covers, it makes this album a modern classic! Quote Label!

1. Det var i Sverige *
2. Pehrssons kompani *
3. Vad fan rör det mig *
4. Frivillig soldat *
5. Demokratisk deja vu *
6. Anti Antifa **
7. Troops of glory *
8. Patriot **
9. Stand up and fight *
10. Till Strid **
11. The new plague *
12. Vi byggde Sverige **
13. Broken illusions **
14. Fristadens barn 2020 *

* 2020
** Demo 2017
* Promo 2017 (Hymner från Hasses källare)