
Tattooed Mother Fuckers & Tollschock – Tattooed Pissed & Proud


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Tattooed Mother Fuckers & Tollschock – Tattooed Pissed & Proud – Compact Disk


Artist: Tattooed Mother Fuckers & Tollschock
Album: Tattooed Pissed & Proud
Label: TMF
Genre: Oi!
Country: UK / Austria


01. Break the chains of fear (3:14)
02. Flaming star sucks (1:55)
03. Pig iron (2:43)
04. Short story of the suicide man (2:35)
05. Take action (3:11)
06. White thrash kids (2:05)
07. 10 Secx (0:11)

Tattooed Mother Fuckers

08. Bring the hammer down (2:25)
09. Driven by hatred (3:50)
10. Rebel resist exist (1:48)
11. Same old shit (2:58)
12. Welcome to the pack (2:15)
13. War on the terraces (2:23)